Date: Mon, 24 May 1999
Subject: Singapore SlingsEveryone,
Too much time has passed since my last email. This is the nutshell version (I say that everytime, don't I?):
The outback of Australia was the coolest part of my time there. Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon, and the Olgas rocked my world, as did Kakadu. The best part were the laughs while sleeping in swags in the bush. The worst part were the toilet facilities. There weren't any. If I can make a dunny, poo in it, and burn the remnants, well then, the world is my oyster.
Indonesia next. First impression - I am a millionaire! Bali and Lombok were so so so cheap. Second impression - I need vendor repellent. Get these people off of me! Third impression - SHOPPING! *That* is the name of the game and I know how to do it. Bargaining became my new favorite hobby. I never really knew if I was getting completely screwed or making the deal of the century, but I had fun doing it. Oh, I had sooooo much fun doing it. I think they did too.
So there goes my first impression - I spent too much money. And also my second impression - vendors were my best friends. So I stuck to my third impression and gave Bill a bag to take home :-). Good boy... only he got the shopping bug, too, and stuffed it full with gifts for himself. Bad boy.
What else? Liz had a really bad reaction to our malaria medicine in Lombok. She basically had a mini bout of malaria - fever, chills, and dyssentary (sp?). She's off of it. I'm still on it.
I got kicked out of a cybercafe in Lombok for a bad attitude. After five minutes of waiting to get to my inbox, I started screaming at my computer terminal. Well, that was it. I guess you don't do that in Indonesia. Whatever.
Sad to say goodbye to Bill, Liz and I were off to Singapore for a few days to take care of business, really. Well that turned into a full week. Met some great people who convinced us to stay. We were invited to an Indian wedding as guests of Ali, the host of our guesthouse. We didn't even know the bride and groom. All decked out in our finest duds (sarongs and t-shirts), we were driven to the office of the registry in Singapore. Not quite the Indian wedding we imagined. We hung out there much of the day as guests of Asian weddings. Scary. The majority of the brides were *maybe* 16 yrs old, Chinese, and dolled up in red, blue, and yellow prom dresses and platform shoes. Cell phones were going off during the vows. I cried laughing in one and nearly had to remove myself. I have more wedding pictures than I know what to do with.
Invited to the wedding reception, we wandered over to the homes of our new friends and things got wild, and later, out of hand. Two Malaysians practically proposed to me and Liz was nearly the cause of a drunken brawl. We left just in time.
Singapore was cool. The night safari at the zoo was a highlight and Singapore Slings at Raffles Hotel another. The best part, for sure, are the people I met there.
I'm in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia right now and leaving tomorrow for Melaka (I think) with Jeannie. Liz and I are splitting up, at least for a while. I'm loving Asia and don't know if I'm ever coming home.
AmyPS - Cliff, Liz and I are still meeting up with you in Penang on the 31st. Give me details. Where should I stay?
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