Gone Walkabout Gone Walkabout

Travelogues, articles, and photos by
Sean Connolly

Gone Walkabout

Copyright© Notice

Copyright© 1996-2001 Seán Connolly, All Rights Reserved

In short:

All rights reserved. This work may not be sold for profit, nor may it be incorporated into a commercial work of any kind. Otherwise, the use and/or copying of this work, or the preparation of derivative works based upon this work is permitted, as long as the author is contacted for permission when using the material and given suitable credit.

In General

If you want to reference this site on your page (personal or commercial), feel free, with my thanks. I would appreciate an email letting me know, but that is not necessary.

Non-commercial use

If you want to take any part of this journal (text, photos, graphics) for a NON-commercial site, check with me first (email's fine), give me a proper credit (with an HTML link to my home page), and enjoy.

Commercial use

If you want to take any part of this journal (text, photos, graphics) for a COMMERCIAL site, contact me. I might give my permission if I feel the purpose is to provide a useful public service of some kind. But if not, we can talk terms. :-)

Neighborhood Watch

If you see any part of this journal (especially photos) in a magazine or a Web page and there is no credit, then it is almost certainly unauthorized. I would appreciate you letting me know about it.

This work is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and without any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


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