
Masters of the Dance

XI. Nailed on the Cross

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5-6 February Puerto La Cruz Map
Early start. I was up at 4:30, and at the bus stop by 4:55. Just in time, as they pulled away just as I got on. It was an eerie, dark and silent ride, picking up more and more (silent) people until the bus was full. We then cruised down the road, winding, winding, thump! Clank! Bang! We lost a wheel... Huh. They fixed it quickly enough, and we proceeded. Suddenly, as we were moving around a tight turn at fast speed, darkness fell. Screech! The driver hit the brakes, and we only went slightly off the road. The headlights were soon fixed, and we moved along. Back to messy Maracay station. I found the first bus going my way, bought some breakfast at a bread shop, and left almost immediately. Shiver. Except this time, I forgot to bring my jacket on the bus with me. It was a deep freeze, with everyone bundled in blankets. Then, there was me, curled into fetal position with my arms pulled into my shirt for some marginal extra warmth. But they did have some good movies playing. Not bad, then hibernated the rest of the way. 6900B

My first (and last) impression of Puerto la Cruz was not so great. Just a dirty, hot city, but the palm-lined beach was nice enough. I was only here to dance, though, so that was fine. I checked into Hotel Europa. 11650 for an air con single. Ouch! But everything was pricey, so I lived with it. Checked email at Mailboxes, Etc. 60B/minute. Ouch.

Pizza Hut for supper (had the urge), and then a nap. I bought myself a bottle of Cacique for 3500 and some coke, and fixed a few before going out. Then out to see the night.

[Sorry, but I stopped writing in my journal here for the rest of the trip. Time has passed, and the details already escape me. I'll just write a quick summary of what went on, and continue from there.]

I spent much of my two days in Puerto la Cruz going out at night and recovering during the day. Not much to tell. Clubs ranged everywhere from small intimate places with tons of women (all for a price) to huge all-out raves with thousands of people going crazy. During the days, I mostly saw tourists along the waterfront, but almost none even a block inland. At night, I don't think I ever saw another foreigner at the places I went. The town never really grew on me, but I did meet nice folk everywhere I went, giving me rides around town, sitting and chatting, going out dancing, and just flashing me a quick smile on the street.

Email me at nomad3 @ GoneWalkabout.com

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©Copyright 1996-2001 Seán Connolly